
I got a number out, but what does it mean?

Levins R: The strategy of model building in population biology. American Scientist 1966, 54:421–431.

Levins R: The strategy of model building in population biology. American Scientist 1966, 54:421–431.

More theory papers should have tables like this

From Coulson & Tuljapurkar 2008

From Coulson & Tuljapurkar 2008

1. Coulson, T. & Tuljapurkar, S. The dynamics of a quantitative trait in an age-structured population living in a variable environment. The American Naturalist 172, 599–612 (2008).

One person’s error is another’s art

My undergraduate research project involved tree rings. A lot of them.

Sometimes I couldn’t use all or part of tree core because the tree was accidentally bored through part of a branch that was now hidden behind diameter growth. While this was profoundly annoying to me, the hidden history of a branch makes for a beautiful sculpture (via kottke).

By Guiseppe Penone